A new model of the Dell XPS 13 with the Intel Core Ultra Series 2 is on its way, promising up to 26 hours of battery life while streaming video, but the current version that’s powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon Elite X is still an excellent laptop. That’s particularly true right now because you can get it with a $300 discount from Dell, which drops its price from $1,300 to only $1,000. This is one of the most attractive Dell XPS deals that you can shop right now, and you need to hurry if you want to pocket the savings — the offer may end at any moment.
Why you should buy the Dell XPS 13 with Qualcomm Snapdragon Elite X
The Dell XPS 13 (9345), which is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon Elite X processor, the Qualcomm Adreno GPU, and 16GB of RAM, takes aim at the best laptops with its speedy performance and excellent build quality. Fresh off the Dell XPS reset, this model of the Dell XPS 13 also has extremely good battery life at up to 22 hours while streaming video, which isn’t that much less than what the Dell XPS 13 with the Intel Core Ultra Series 2 is offering.
The 13.4-inch Full HD+ screen of the Dell XPS 13 maintains its portability. The thin and light laptop is easy to carry with you wherever you go. It has a lot of built-in storage with its 512GB SSD though, so you’ll have enough space for all the apps and files that you need. The Dell XPS 13 also ships with Windows 11 Home pre-installed, for an operating system that will be familiar for most people.
The Dell XPS 13 with the Qualcomm Snapdragon Elite X is on sale for only $1,000 from Dell, and it’s an example of laptop deals you don’t want to miss. The $300 discount on the device’s original price of $1,300 nudges this offer to must-buy territory if you’re on the hunt for a powerful laptop. Add this model of the Dell XPS 13 to your cart and proceed with the checkout process immediately. It would be a shame to miss out on the savings.
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