Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a direct sequel to the Final Fantasy 7 remake and is the second installment to the planned trilogy of Final Fantasy games. The title was released on 29 February 2024 and was made as a timed exclusive between Square Enix and Sony for the PlayStation 5 console.
Although Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was nominated for Game of the Year 2024, its PC port did not receive the same level of reception as its console counterpart. Averaging out at 25 thousand players per day after launch is a shockingly low number for a title from a franchise this big. What could be the reason for this and why is it speculated that Rise of the Ronin could face a similar fate like Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth? Let’s find out.
With fans of the franchise waiting for almost a year for the PC release, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was finally launched on January 23, 2025. Yet, after so much expectation, the title was met with disappointment due to the range of technical difficulties that players were facing while playing the game.
Many players reported that they experienced constant frame drops, longer loading times, constant frame drops, getting soft-locked, and multiple crashes throughout the game. Even though some players have high-end PCs, they are encountering all kinds of frustrating problems while playing the title.
byu/Beautiful-Spinach-38 from discussion
Players are displeased at how Square Enix took almost a year to port the game on PC and did not meet player expectations. Most of these problems are caused due to the outdated Direct Storage DLLs, leading fans of the game to speculate that the PC port may have been ready for quite a while, possibly even since the initial release of the title, and was deliberately withheld by Square Enix.
Rise of the Ronin is another PS5 exclusive that was released back in March of 2024. Despite being developed by Team Ninja, who are known for their combat with titles like Nioh and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Rise of the Ronin’s initial launch was met with silence and although some people liked this game’s combat as well, critics of the game called it repetitive and forgettable.
Players don’t just want a direct port to their PC, they want some additional features like better optimization, high-grade ray tracing, etc. However, Team Ninja is yet to confirm whether enhancements like ultrawide support and ray tracing will be included in the PC port.
These are some standard features that audiences expect from games that are ported to PC and without them Rise of the Ronin might suffer the same outcome as Final Fantasy, struggling to meet expectations and leaving players disappointed.
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